This page is compiled material that has been useful to us as we work to preserve trees in the community. Hopefully this information will be helpful for you in your community’s work.
Please let us know if you have relevant materials we can consider adding.
Reducing Hazards from Your Trees
If you are fortunate enough to have some big trees in your yard, you may be worried about falling branches or other related hazards. Hear from some tree experts on their best recommendations to manage those risks while still reaping the benefits of mature trees. In this webinar, we’ll present some case studies of how leading arborists have addressed some of the more common problems that our urban trees face. Through these examples you will learn some tree care techniques that can improve the health of your trees and increase their longevity.
Bylaws & Policies
Talking to your Neighbour
Private Tree Protection By-law:Guelph
Tree Protection Bylaw: Mount Forest
Construction Polices
Best Practices in Municipal Tree Protection
Guiding Urban Forestry into the next Decade
City of Burlington: Policies, Protection and Planning
Tree Protection Options
Tree Care Video Series
Scientific Evidence of the Benefits
Tree Canada: Benefits of Trees
– Shade trees reduce building energy use
-The impact of tree and white surfaces
– Neighbourhood greenspace and health in a large urban centre
–TD Special Report: The value of urban Forests across Canada
–Promoting and preserving biodiversity in the urban forest
–The role of trees in urban stormwater management
–The soil surface temperatures reveal moderation of the urban head islands effects by trees and shrubs
Street Trees as an Urban Asset
Tree Care
– Saving your Tree from the next Big Storm
-Tree Preservation Guidelines
-Tree Care Guidance
–Find An Arborist
-Why Hire a Certified Arborist?
-Sampling Planting Tips
-Oak Wilt in Ontario
-Oak Wilt Prevention Checklist
-Common Oak Wilt Signs
–Global Warming and Plants
-Are we doing Tree Planting Right?
-One Canopy:Tree Planting Strategy
-Urban Forest Study: Guelph
-A Synopsis on Protecting & Commemorating Heritage Trees