Magnificent Black Walnut on Algonquin Island
In June, 2023 we cared for this 70-year-old Black Walnut. This tree was a prime Tree Trust candidate because its biological health is good, and it has remained strong even during the extreme floods of 2017 and 2019. Our arborist reduced the large overextending branch, and installed cobra cable to prevent the limb from breaking. This cable will prevent a potentially catastrophic tear-out of that limb when under threat from the strong prevailing wind. Dead, dying, diseased and directionally poor branches were also removed.
70-year-old Black Walnut
Algonquin Island, Toronto
Carbon sequestered: 2.8 Tonnes
Storm water intercepted: 21561.7 L annually
It was a beautiful day in June when Tyler expertly climbed into the branches to care for this magnificent Black Walnut!